Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Preparation for the Trip

Well salutations to you my dear reader, as of now I know you fall into one of two groups: either friend or family. As more time passes it is only conceivable that these postings go viral and millions upon millions of strangers are reading about me…

But seriously, this is my first posting for the next six months as I chronicle my time half way around the world. I leave this Sunday, so right now I going down my to-do list (yes I actually did make one, no matter how much I loathe them). So for a quick peak inside of my head… a quick imaginary interview:

Q (imaginary reporter): What do you fell like right now?
A (G): Excited and nervous rolled into a ball of can’t wait. I spent the past month visiting friends around the country and spending time with my family and have enjoyed the entire whirlwind. I know that many people care for me and my relationships will still be there when I get back. They will have changed and I hope ultimately grow from this time away, but I am not worried. This knowledge gives me the confidence to embark on my travels for the next six months.

Q: What are you going to miss the most?
A: That is a loaded question. Let me break it down. In St. Louis,I will miss my senior friends’ last semester in college as well as their graduation ceremony. In San Antonio, the craziness of family dinners (for everyone who knows my family, these can get quite crazy).

And that concludes this brief interview, until next time. <

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