Monday, June 29, 2009

I am a Slacker

Ok, so the title line says it all... I admit to being a blog slacker, guilty as charged. Now that we have settled that point, on to business. What have I been up to this past month.

Well, since you ask. I have completed my studies down under. I officially finished on the 16th of June. Classes were not too challenging but I really got into a few of my final papers, strange I know. For my economics class, I wrote on the effect that small arms (hand held weapons like pistols and rifles) have on development. I spent a lot of time just reading so that I would be able to write intelligently on the subject. In my sociology of religion class, I looked at the effects of liberation theology on the universal church. One day I would like to read the original spanish writings of the latin american liberation theologians. This is a long way off, but I am working towards it.

I have been working on my spanish (which is now only a 3 out 10) via rosetta stone and spanish music. My vocabulary is slowing expanding and my grammer has a long way to go, but I have definitely been putting in the study hours this past month. I know that a fair number of my friends speak spanish, so when I get back I will approach and perhaps try to bribe you with food, drink, chocolate, or (insert whatever i can bribe you with here). I will be away from technology for almost all of july, so my meager accomplishments will slide from lack of use.

I have also been able to do a fair amount of reading. Right now I am half way through two really engrossing books. Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph Stigletz which looks at the policies of the US government, IMF, and World Bank with developing countries. Also, The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson which is a history of finance that incorporates major historical events or movements. I know I am letting the geek in me shine, but both are really interesting subjects to me.

I finished up my internship at Crossfit Victoria, glad to help them out with work and glad to get some more experience as I go to enter the job market next year. I have really enjoyed the community at Crossfit Victoria and will miss the people when I return to the states. Speaking of returning to the states, I will fly back on july 31 and arrive on july 31. Typo? I think not. i am flying against a 15 hour time difference so I actually leave Australia and return to the US on the same calendar day. Trippy I know. Then, the next day I fly out to meet my family for vacation in florida. I have a tough life, I know.

So what I am doing for the next month? Well, in two hours I begin a silent retreat for 4 and a half days. Just time alone with me and God with no distractions. After that, I have three straight days of frisbee. Our uni team is playing in the Summer University Games aginst other uni ultimate teams. After that, I take off to central Australia to see Uluru and then hike for two weeks. Then I come back to Melbourne for a few days before I fly back to the states.

Keep me in your prayers. Ciao.